In this episode of Course Diaries, Tom & Sam visit Sunningdale Heath Golf Club in Surrey. It will take you only five minutes of this podcast to realise how taken we were with this place. Fantastic feel to a fantastic golf club.
hello and welcome back to another
interesting episode of the cookie jar
golf podcast I am Tom Mills
um you might hear a lot of noise around
me today we are in the beautiful
surroundings of Sunnydale Heath and I’m
joined by my friend Sam Williams Sam
welcome to Poker Thomas I’m more
thrilled to be here than usual on a
podcast this is an outstanding place
would you say we’re potting live we’re
always potting live we’re potting post
uh post perennial screamers around
Sunnydale Heath so um we’re sound
an outstanding little Terrace aren’t we
which for anyone who doesn’t know about
Sunningdale Heath
essentially the land itself
connects into the main Sunningdale
complex was previously known as
Sunningdale ladies it was the ladies
course uh and funnily enough the old
dormi house sits behind the sort of 7th
to 16th green the 17th T where
um which was I think previously attached
to Sunnydale golf club and this year
been taken over by Kristen and um Tom
who are putting a lot of investment into
it and kind of through a few
conversations with you people we were
just desperate to come down and see it
came along yesterday for a course walk
and that was not enough I had to get the
irons out and had to have a bash yeah it
was pretty sick wasn’t it I mean
we came down here
um yesterday and for a coursework met a
Duke called Neil Flanagan who was a
complete hero and had a walk around the
fascinating guy as well yeah yeah yeah
you know we just walked around and he
was showing us what’s happening here and
I mean it was immediately noticeable
when we got here like it was just there
was an isga competition it was the place
was like overrun by Juniors yeah kids
everywhere like Santa’s Grotto yeah
there’s that many kids it was ridiculous
it was insane and and you have a road
that splits the core so on on one side
of the road there’s four holes which are
uh 15 16 17 and 18 on the on the other
side you’ve got the rest of the course
and we get chatting with Tom who’s
recently gotten got purchased a place
redoing it and and trying to renovate it
and he’s like yeah on Sundays we just
like shut down this these four holes and
the kids can go nuts like they just do
whatever they like they can play Four
holes they can do we have shipping
competitions and it’s just an absolute
playground for juniors and it’s just we
were like this is amazing golf just
needs so many more places like this I
was I mean look I mean I think people
have been on our
social media and stuff last few days
we’ll probably have spotted we’ve had an
outstanding few days in terms of the
courses we’ve been
um we’ve got to play some fantastic
places and been very well hosted and
it’s been great to meet some genuinely
outstanding characters but I think this
is just worthy of a particular pod bench
because it’s just so cool I mean so just
in terms of breakdown the course
um I can probably reach in here actually
and grab the score card but it is a par
it is we don’t need to talk about power
because what we need to talk about is
our schools it’s a par 58 you’re so
proud of you shot in the 60s power 58
3705 yards there are 14 Par 3 holes it
was laid out by Colt Colt new his par
threes like these are exceptionally good
par three greens
um and it’s just fun like it is fun with
a capital f isn’t it and
so what do we do we’re driving over here
I think it’s fair to say we’re a little
fatigued this afternoon when we were
when we’re on our way over and I said so
you look should we just dump the woods
and you were like I was gonna say
exactly the same literally ditch Woods
Drive a driver I mean I’m a bit of a
strange one with my back driver five
with seven wood away gone got the four
iron out the bag as well because that
thing is just toxic for me anyway just
taking I mean it’s not a half set
because it’s a complete set up to four
iron for me and up to five iron for you
and we just went out there and it’s you
know these par threes range from
what’s the you’ve got the card 117 120s
yeah there’s some some short ones aren’t
they like 130 140 yard par threes but
you know they stretch right up to 232.
there’s at least three there are 230 241
241 longest part three on that and yeah
it’s no it’s not push-ups no Mickey
Mouse and they’re all actually it’s not
an easy number from 230 yards to be fair
no it’s a proper proper golf course now
the land that we are sat on
is famous sorry Sam belt it’s the
heathlands of Surrey I’m
as you as you play away you play sort of
a one two in a row turn round three turn
it’s fantastic par for uh the fourth
hole which is Dallas Valley it is not
out of place for any Surrey golf course
yeah it’s an outstanding path it’s a
great golf course and then you you kind
of continue on on your route and you get
to the stretch of kind of 9 10 11 and
the land that you are playing golf on
you look to your right
and there’s something Dale old world’s
best England golf course you could you
could literally
you could put your foot on it it’s that
close it’s just a tree you thought
you’re gonna hustle rocket one on there
to be fair
I’ve nearly tried the hustle rocket one
just so I just so I can go and stand on
on the old at Sunningdale but this
that’s the land that we’re on here you
know it’s it sounds at all it’s just
there and it’s those those holes 9 10 11
12 all run parallel to the Sunningdale
complex and it’s the land is and it’s
laid out by Colt this is just an
outrageously good it’s very good I mean
one thing we should say and we’ll talk
about you know our game and stuff in
about I’m sure people are desperate to
know how you’ve managed to shoot your
first round in the 60s but
um the guys have built a junior program
here with over 100 Juniors now playing
you could not design a better course for
juniors to learn to play golf so I mean
like tiger famously learned to play golf
from the green back you know it was like
get it saw it on the greens come back
and make unwind loading distance and you
think you know it’s just so right
because here distance is just not a
factor it is accuracy it’s a lot about
irons it’s a lot about your short game
the greens are really good the creams
are amazing yeah you know the greens
those are quick
really quick really true
um you know it’s Target golf
unbelievable and I just I think it’s
just the intangibles like we’re sat here
now there’s a
fabulous sort of like outdoor sort of
tense created which is a byproduct I
think the covert stuff but actually
clearly has a pretty pretty strong
contingent that enjoys some some post
post golf Scoops in as well so it was um
yeah nice top drawer absolutely
outstanding moving around from the
Juniors I mean we’re sat here
on this beautiful I mean we’re not quite
an Autumn but feels like Autumn evening
and sun setting and
um I’m just around the corner from us as
a shed that they put up and the shed is
they’ve they’ve set up a really good
indoor section for the juniors so they
can get them hitting really long shots
they can get them spanking shots yeah
and the idea is get them you know
getting quick getting quick in that room
get the speed in that room do the speed
training there and then and then the
whole course is their playground to
learn how to play short game it’s just
philosophical it’s outrageously good so
we we’ve obviously we’ve obviously
ditched all the all the big clubs and
just played with irons firstly how was
that experience
I mean
I mean hitting irons
is is is is not usually that much fun
but when you do it on on the salary sand
belt I’ll just just so much better
it’s just nothing purer than just and
it’s uh taking our hands around no I
mean like you said on the way around
there is it is the most fun shot in the
game is to Crunch an iron like and this
is just like 18 crunching irons and
it’s just it’s just very very good and
it’d be remiss to not talk about
the time yeah so I think what do we Post
in the end one hour
53 ish one hour 53 when I was 54
something like that 18 holes once or
twice yeah I mean blisteringly comes
into play but that’s where I’m running
it felt like I don’t know what you
thought I thought the vibe out there was
just super trans so Serene I’ve never
felt like
as chilled on a golf course crail when
we played Crayola this year had a
similar sort of like a yeah you just
feel and obviously there’s a little bit
of like not having groups behind you or
in front of you and having a peaceful
evening and peaceful weather but that
was it was Serenity on a golf course
which yeah that was just was remarkable
like yeah I mean if you live in surreal
Berkshire and there’s a nice evening and
you don’t do this it’s just
you know you’re missing so much yeah I
mean and it this is one hour 55 not
because we have the course to ourselves
because there was a group of ladies in
front of us and they just they just
stayed ahead and was 1 hour 55
everyone’s doing it it’s not like we’re
just pelting away it’s just the time it
takes to get around this golf course
that’s cool that’s cool uh in terms of
the match I think we should we should
probably talk a little bit about that I
called it on I think the third I said
we’re gonna see a hole in one here today
I don’t know why I just had
yeah we incorrect premonition they were
exactly incorrect considering the sheer
quantity of golf that you and I play uh
five courses in three days and we have
never had hole in ones in our lives it
was a strong move to to call we were
going to have one today
um and we didn’t but we nearly saw one
didn’t we yeah so the ninth uh to nil
when we did the course what Nils talks
about the ninth which borders the sixth
sixth on the old
um is a fabulous path right it’s kind of
maybe a little pitch downhill but it’s
it’s probably playing about one 149
something like that I think very small
grain brilliant sort of like surrounds
false front
just a lovely golf hole and uh yeah I’ve
absolutely Zapped that 99. Within
two inches
I mean it was uh it was one of those
things the the ladies in front of us
just come off the gray and they got into
the tea above which is elevated and you
can see down
Sam’s like oh this is a really nice part
three why don’t you just take a video of
it so he’s I’m standing there like
they’ve tried to squeeze out as much
room on that nine as they can so the t’s
pretty far back I’ve literally dived
into an ivy Bush just so I can get this
to get this shot in you know I’m
contemplating whether I’m gonna get
pinged on the backswing
so we’ve happened to have it on film I
think it was sharp it sounds like give
me a phone give me a phone let’s go on
Instagram give me fun I’ll spend the
next three holes on any blue this can
speak to me it’s upload is it on story I
was can you just check because it was
you know what I noticed is it was on 3G
and we needed to get it on 4G when we
got closer
close to him we opened up on 4G yeah it
was a it was very very uh very good it
went past the pin zap back a little bit
and yeah he had about a foot didn’t you
how do you feel about obviously you
didn’t play junior golf but looking
there like I mean Tom just walked past
this there and you know it’s now you
know nearly six o’clock in the evening
he’s taking yeah another lad out for
some lessons like talk about someone
who’s putting commitment into into
junior golf development how do you feel
having not played junior golf
I mean can you imagine how good I’d be
if I did
for those of the people that don’t that
listen to this podcast I don’t know I
started very late 28 years old when I
picked up a golf club so
I feel like I missed out like the scene
seems unreal I always hear you telling
stories about your mum dropping you off
on the summer holidays at the golf
course in the morning you’re there all
day played played 36 holes and then
chipped till you tips or fingers bleed
yeah I mean that that stuff sounds
really cool and the scene is cool the
boys just walked past with Tom there and
you know they got their shag bag of
balls and he’s just like loving it he’s
got a big smile on his face and
I feel like I missed out on it like do
the junior golf team feels really good I
mean I just don’t know though because I
wasn’t I was never never been such an
impressive setup seriously impressive
favorite holes out there
nine is a very very good golf hole a
four is nice when you’ve absolutely
stuff it to about six inches I stuffed
it to about 30 yards so so that’s still
enjoyed it four was an absolutely great
golf hole
um when you cross the road onto this
stretch 15 16 17 18
I suppose the heathens would would say
this is the flatter bit of land and
maybe not so interesting but actually
it’s a really good little stretch of
it’s a shortish power three Par Four and
then two worldly par threes through
oversaw Ravines and I think um you know
we aren’t
archivists of cylinderell Heath but
we know that colors but I love a good
old go
um we know that colt was involved we
also know that Mackenzie was involved
yeah and you you know Neil was was quite
so quite forward yesterday and saying
that he he felt a lot of the Mackenzie
Vibes and yeah you can see it like there
there is a lot of sort of
Mackenzie Vibes out there as well and
it’s just there’s certainly this stretch
here I think just like
very very good very good use of of a
fairly flat bit of land I’d say we’ve
had a better time out there as well for
um only having the irons in the bag
obviously that’s highly enjoyable but
there are there’s a few holes there’s a
couple of path threes for sure that
would be on the limit of a five iron for
me one of them is like 230 I I mean I
bent that thing over to like a one iron
and just hammered it and I still like I
couldn’t get it out
if we’d have carried those would you
nailed it on 16 y’all said because I
mean we played the 16th which is about a
200 I can look again at 294 yard Par
fairly straight away there’s a gap in
the trees
I would have taken dog yeah it wouldn’t
have been the shot would it and there’s
no room like there’s literally no
nothing to wear six iron sandwich
it makes it really strategic because I
could have also hit yeah like like an
eight iron you know nine iron or
something at it instead or you look at
the bunkers you just makes you play more
of a thinking game and on the longer
holes and also something about
okay let’s put out there we’ve played
some worldly courses since the last few
days like anyone who follows our
Instagram will know this we’ve played
some great places
we’ve played all of them off the
championship tees like we have just been
like like and we’ve been hustled by some
of the super best golfers we’ve just
like the courser we’ve played uh along
you know like
you’re having to hit really good drives
and and like
they’re not you know these places aren’t
you know we’re not talking about 7 500
yard monsters because they’re old
courses you know there’s six eight or
whatever they are but like you know but
you’ve got to keep hitting drugs you’ve
got to keep in Drive you’ve got to keep
hitting good iron shots
um and they’re long and long courses you
know they wear they wear you down
eventually and coming here to a short
yeah it was so much fun because like you
know I shot in the 60s lad Sam shot in
the 60s just unbelievable and you
know it’s like
it’s just so much fun there’s no
pressure let’s go out there and there’s
some loads of long holes there and we
haven’t talked about it the green fear
35 pounds I think 35 pounds you will not
get a better value for money in Surrey
full stop to be really clear this is not
a paid partnership podcast for Sunnydale
but we are doing it having just walked
off of course and had a great time I’ve
got to talk about um the 18th so
18. an outstanding finishing hole par
three uh on the card at 148. okay okay
I’m just gonna look at the card
it’s a super wide because there’s
obviously a path there’s lots of part
three so they have to use big Ting
grounds because otherwise you just chew
them dig it up it was super wide and we
were on the furthest bit away from the
marker post to say any information about
the hole so nothing so we hadn’t really
looked at the card all day we’re just
zapping flash you play to a green that’s
front to back and when we’d met like Tom
out in the putting green and had a nice
chat with him and we’re talking about a
junior program yesterday you know it was
all sort of steep and everything I was
like yes this is a like a really hard
green to hold so I’ve already kind of
mentally had myself a bit prepped around
this just pull the pull the zapper out
the bag and try and get a yardage on it
about 15 yards beyond the green you’ve
got that tentative
which is you know currently there are
six people sat around there enjoying a
lovely glass of wine a few pints of
Peroni and just having a lovely evening
I’ve pulled this yardage and it’s like
yeah okay 180. well I think it’s like
179 and I thought yeah do you know what
okay right I don’t want to jump on seven
if I hit smooth six and just take a bit
off it I think we’re in business got the
club out the bag and just thought maybe
worth just checking this because if I
pull the trigger on this and it’s I have
picked up something behind we’re in big
trouble like that would have been
as it turned out like I mean
as well it would have been she’d
actually Zapped the guy as Peroni and
yeah he was knowing the flag flag is
155. thank God that we dropped it down
to nine iron and got to the back of the
green so six would have been they’d have
been in Mortal danger
yeah so so that was that was extremely
cool very very good I mean how’s it feel
to having shot a sort of a 64 I mean
look it’s a six over par I’m gonna put
it out there and say par three is
typically putting much harder to par in
general because it’s the execution of
one long shot and two parts yeah you
can’t you can’t gain any distance the
greens are quick and they were
undulating so
you know part four was I was saying on
the way around the path forwards feel
like a bit of a raspike because at least
you can chew up a bit of yardage and you
can put a sandwich in your hand yeah
these some of these par threes
lots of sevens lots of fours try shape
um you know the greens are really small
you miss your brains you’ve usually got
Heather around them yeah my own place
notoriously awful anyway so like
fairly strong examination I would come
back here in a heartbeat if if I was on
a surrey trip and I think you know
and I wanted to have a bit of a chilled
out evening you know I still wanted
didn’t want to just get locked up in a
pub and get obliterated if you’ve hit a
two or three hour drive to get here on a
trip it’s the perfect way of breaking it
up like to sort of go yeah okay well
let’s just ease into it with that if you
if you’re feeling a bit tired after a
trip you’ll still have this in the
locker because it’s quick and it’s not
overly demanding yeah off the in terms
of the long game
and it’s just perfect if you want an
afternoon Loop and you’re not actually
in the market for another sort of
Championship test so I’ll put this out
there we we landed literally landed here
for 15 minutes past three about quarter
past three that’s what we got here
we have we checked him we had a chat
with uh the lady behind the bar we we
had a chat with Tom we played 18 holes
we’ve come in we’ve ordered drinks we’ve
done a podcast
and that was two and a half hours ago
that was two out of 45.
I mean you can be highly productive at
Sunningdale Heath it seems yeah very
very good very very good anything else
that’s worth talking about in terms of
solidar Heath I think I’ve been look I’m
going to put it out there and say I
would I can see serious event Vibes here
like with this 10 structure these these
holes and everything just imagine the
fun you could have out here in an
iron-only competition I’d be really Keen
to know
um from our listeners if there’s any
Demand on that because I just think
that’s so cool imagine this room where
it’s like yeah anything that’s got a
head cover on and that includes irons
um yeah and I would I’d be really Keen
to know that the interest of being this
because I mean this is what we’re
talking about just here sorry to
interrupt you I’m watching the 18th and
I’m watching Tom come in uh with the
Junior and his dad and they’re just
throwing balls around the 18 chipping up
you know dodging the 15th green they’re
now going to go and hit a few on to the
18th green it’s all just like it’s
exactly you should learn it from the
um short podcast I think people would
certainly get the sense of excitement
for this place so we’ve just come off
with um yes we’ve had nice evenings
where they’re you know we’ve had a great
few days but the excitement from playing
that is just uh palpable so I would urge
anyone who’s in the market for a bit of
fun you’ve said that he’s I think I
think our listeners by now I’ve got a
ringing endorsement I’m saying Dave
um until next time
thank you for listening adios adios
interesting episode of the cookie jar
golf podcast I am Tom Mills
um you might hear a lot of noise around
me today we are in the beautiful
surroundings of Sunnydale Heath and I’m
joined by my friend Sam Williams Sam
welcome to Poker Thomas I’m more
thrilled to be here than usual on a
podcast this is an outstanding place
would you say we’re potting live we’re
always potting live we’re potting post
uh post perennial screamers around
Sunnydale Heath so um we’re sound
an outstanding little Terrace aren’t we
which for anyone who doesn’t know about
Sunningdale Heath
essentially the land itself
connects into the main Sunningdale
complex was previously known as
Sunningdale ladies it was the ladies
course uh and funnily enough the old
dormi house sits behind the sort of 7th
to 16th green the 17th T where
um which was I think previously attached
to Sunnydale golf club and this year
been taken over by Kristen and um Tom
who are putting a lot of investment into
it and kind of through a few
conversations with you people we were
just desperate to come down and see it
came along yesterday for a course walk
and that was not enough I had to get the
irons out and had to have a bash yeah it
was pretty sick wasn’t it I mean
we came down here
um yesterday and for a coursework met a
Duke called Neil Flanagan who was a
complete hero and had a walk around the
fascinating guy as well yeah yeah yeah
you know we just walked around and he
was showing us what’s happening here and
I mean it was immediately noticeable
when we got here like it was just there
was an isga competition it was the place
was like overrun by Juniors yeah kids
everywhere like Santa’s Grotto yeah
there’s that many kids it was ridiculous
it was insane and and you have a road
that splits the core so on on one side
of the road there’s four holes which are
uh 15 16 17 and 18 on the on the other
side you’ve got the rest of the course
and we get chatting with Tom who’s
recently gotten got purchased a place
redoing it and and trying to renovate it
and he’s like yeah on Sundays we just
like shut down this these four holes and
the kids can go nuts like they just do
whatever they like they can play Four
holes they can do we have shipping
competitions and it’s just an absolute
playground for juniors and it’s just we
were like this is amazing golf just
needs so many more places like this I
was I mean look I mean I think people
have been on our
social media and stuff last few days
we’ll probably have spotted we’ve had an
outstanding few days in terms of the
courses we’ve been
um we’ve got to play some fantastic
places and been very well hosted and
it’s been great to meet some genuinely
outstanding characters but I think this
is just worthy of a particular pod bench
because it’s just so cool I mean so just
in terms of breakdown the course
um I can probably reach in here actually
and grab the score card but it is a par
it is we don’t need to talk about power
because what we need to talk about is
our schools it’s a par 58 you’re so
proud of you shot in the 60s power 58
3705 yards there are 14 Par 3 holes it
was laid out by Colt Colt new his par
threes like these are exceptionally good
par three greens
um and it’s just fun like it is fun with
a capital f isn’t it and
so what do we do we’re driving over here
I think it’s fair to say we’re a little
fatigued this afternoon when we were
when we’re on our way over and I said so
you look should we just dump the woods
and you were like I was gonna say
exactly the same literally ditch Woods
Drive a driver I mean I’m a bit of a
strange one with my back driver five
with seven wood away gone got the four
iron out the bag as well because that
thing is just toxic for me anyway just
taking I mean it’s not a half set
because it’s a complete set up to four
iron for me and up to five iron for you
and we just went out there and it’s you
know these par threes range from
what’s the you’ve got the card 117 120s
yeah there’s some some short ones aren’t
they like 130 140 yard par threes but
you know they stretch right up to 232.
there’s at least three there are 230 241
241 longest part three on that and yeah
it’s no it’s not push-ups no Mickey
Mouse and they’re all actually it’s not
an easy number from 230 yards to be fair
no it’s a proper proper golf course now
the land that we are sat on
is famous sorry Sam belt it’s the
heathlands of Surrey I’m
as you as you play away you play sort of
a one two in a row turn round three turn
it’s fantastic par for uh the fourth
hole which is Dallas Valley it is not
out of place for any Surrey golf course
yeah it’s an outstanding path it’s a
great golf course and then you you kind
of continue on on your route and you get
to the stretch of kind of 9 10 11 and
the land that you are playing golf on
you look to your right
and there’s something Dale old world’s
best England golf course you could you
could literally
you could put your foot on it it’s that
close it’s just a tree you thought
you’re gonna hustle rocket one on there
to be fair
I’ve nearly tried the hustle rocket one
just so I just so I can go and stand on
on the old at Sunningdale but this
that’s the land that we’re on here you
know it’s it sounds at all it’s just
there and it’s those those holes 9 10 11
12 all run parallel to the Sunningdale
complex and it’s the land is and it’s
laid out by Colt this is just an
outrageously good it’s very good I mean
one thing we should say and we’ll talk
about you know our game and stuff in
about I’m sure people are desperate to
know how you’ve managed to shoot your
first round in the 60s but
um the guys have built a junior program
here with over 100 Juniors now playing
you could not design a better course for
juniors to learn to play golf so I mean
like tiger famously learned to play golf
from the green back you know it was like
get it saw it on the greens come back
and make unwind loading distance and you
think you know it’s just so right
because here distance is just not a
factor it is accuracy it’s a lot about
irons it’s a lot about your short game
the greens are really good the creams
are amazing yeah you know the greens
those are quick
really quick really true
um you know it’s Target golf
unbelievable and I just I think it’s
just the intangibles like we’re sat here
now there’s a
fabulous sort of like outdoor sort of
tense created which is a byproduct I
think the covert stuff but actually
clearly has a pretty pretty strong
contingent that enjoys some some post
post golf Scoops in as well so it was um
yeah nice top drawer absolutely
outstanding moving around from the
Juniors I mean we’re sat here
on this beautiful I mean we’re not quite
an Autumn but feels like Autumn evening
and sun setting and
um I’m just around the corner from us as
a shed that they put up and the shed is
they’ve they’ve set up a really good
indoor section for the juniors so they
can get them hitting really long shots
they can get them spanking shots yeah
and the idea is get them you know
getting quick getting quick in that room
get the speed in that room do the speed
training there and then and then the
whole course is their playground to
learn how to play short game it’s just
philosophical it’s outrageously good so
we we’ve obviously we’ve obviously
ditched all the all the big clubs and
just played with irons firstly how was
that experience
I mean
I mean hitting irons
is is is is not usually that much fun
but when you do it on on the salary sand
belt I’ll just just so much better
it’s just nothing purer than just and
it’s uh taking our hands around no I
mean like you said on the way around
there is it is the most fun shot in the
game is to Crunch an iron like and this
is just like 18 crunching irons and
it’s just it’s just very very good and
it’d be remiss to not talk about
the time yeah so I think what do we Post
in the end one hour
53 ish one hour 53 when I was 54
something like that 18 holes once or
twice yeah I mean blisteringly comes
into play but that’s where I’m running
it felt like I don’t know what you
thought I thought the vibe out there was
just super trans so Serene I’ve never
felt like
as chilled on a golf course crail when
we played Crayola this year had a
similar sort of like a yeah you just
feel and obviously there’s a little bit
of like not having groups behind you or
in front of you and having a peaceful
evening and peaceful weather but that
was it was Serenity on a golf course
which yeah that was just was remarkable
like yeah I mean if you live in surreal
Berkshire and there’s a nice evening and
you don’t do this it’s just
you know you’re missing so much yeah I
mean and it this is one hour 55 not
because we have the course to ourselves
because there was a group of ladies in
front of us and they just they just
stayed ahead and was 1 hour 55
everyone’s doing it it’s not like we’re
just pelting away it’s just the time it
takes to get around this golf course
that’s cool that’s cool uh in terms of
the match I think we should we should
probably talk a little bit about that I
called it on I think the third I said
we’re gonna see a hole in one here today
I don’t know why I just had
yeah we incorrect premonition they were
exactly incorrect considering the sheer
quantity of golf that you and I play uh
five courses in three days and we have
never had hole in ones in our lives it
was a strong move to to call we were
going to have one today
um and we didn’t but we nearly saw one
didn’t we yeah so the ninth uh to nil
when we did the course what Nils talks
about the ninth which borders the sixth
sixth on the old
um is a fabulous path right it’s kind of
maybe a little pitch downhill but it’s
it’s probably playing about one 149
something like that I think very small
grain brilliant sort of like surrounds
false front
just a lovely golf hole and uh yeah I’ve
absolutely Zapped that 99. Within
two inches
I mean it was uh it was one of those
things the the ladies in front of us
just come off the gray and they got into
the tea above which is elevated and you
can see down
Sam’s like oh this is a really nice part
three why don’t you just take a video of
it so he’s I’m standing there like
they’ve tried to squeeze out as much
room on that nine as they can so the t’s
pretty far back I’ve literally dived
into an ivy Bush just so I can get this
to get this shot in you know I’m
contemplating whether I’m gonna get
pinged on the backswing
so we’ve happened to have it on film I
think it was sharp it sounds like give
me a phone give me a phone let’s go on
Instagram give me fun I’ll spend the
next three holes on any blue this can
speak to me it’s upload is it on story I
was can you just check because it was
you know what I noticed is it was on 3G
and we needed to get it on 4G when we
got closer
close to him we opened up on 4G yeah it
was a it was very very uh very good it
went past the pin zap back a little bit
and yeah he had about a foot didn’t you
how do you feel about obviously you
didn’t play junior golf but looking
there like I mean Tom just walked past
this there and you know it’s now you
know nearly six o’clock in the evening
he’s taking yeah another lad out for
some lessons like talk about someone
who’s putting commitment into into
junior golf development how do you feel
having not played junior golf
I mean can you imagine how good I’d be
if I did
for those of the people that don’t that
listen to this podcast I don’t know I
started very late 28 years old when I
picked up a golf club so
I feel like I missed out like the scene
seems unreal I always hear you telling
stories about your mum dropping you off
on the summer holidays at the golf
course in the morning you’re there all
day played played 36 holes and then
chipped till you tips or fingers bleed
yeah I mean that that stuff sounds
really cool and the scene is cool the
boys just walked past with Tom there and
you know they got their shag bag of
balls and he’s just like loving it he’s
got a big smile on his face and
I feel like I missed out on it like do
the junior golf team feels really good I
mean I just don’t know though because I
wasn’t I was never never been such an
impressive setup seriously impressive
favorite holes out there
nine is a very very good golf hole a
four is nice when you’ve absolutely
stuff it to about six inches I stuffed
it to about 30 yards so so that’s still
enjoyed it four was an absolutely great
golf hole
um when you cross the road onto this
stretch 15 16 17 18
I suppose the heathens would would say
this is the flatter bit of land and
maybe not so interesting but actually
it’s a really good little stretch of
it’s a shortish power three Par Four and
then two worldly par threes through
oversaw Ravines and I think um you know
we aren’t
archivists of cylinderell Heath but
we know that colors but I love a good
old go
um we know that colt was involved we
also know that Mackenzie was involved
yeah and you you know Neil was was quite
so quite forward yesterday and saying
that he he felt a lot of the Mackenzie
Vibes and yeah you can see it like there
there is a lot of sort of
Mackenzie Vibes out there as well and
it’s just there’s certainly this stretch
here I think just like
very very good very good use of of a
fairly flat bit of land I’d say we’ve
had a better time out there as well for
um only having the irons in the bag
obviously that’s highly enjoyable but
there are there’s a few holes there’s a
couple of path threes for sure that
would be on the limit of a five iron for
me one of them is like 230 I I mean I
bent that thing over to like a one iron
and just hammered it and I still like I
couldn’t get it out
if we’d have carried those would you
nailed it on 16 y’all said because I
mean we played the 16th which is about a
200 I can look again at 294 yard Par
fairly straight away there’s a gap in
the trees
I would have taken dog yeah it wouldn’t
have been the shot would it and there’s
no room like there’s literally no
nothing to wear six iron sandwich
it makes it really strategic because I
could have also hit yeah like like an
eight iron you know nine iron or
something at it instead or you look at
the bunkers you just makes you play more
of a thinking game and on the longer
holes and also something about
okay let’s put out there we’ve played
some worldly courses since the last few
days like anyone who follows our
Instagram will know this we’ve played
some great places
we’ve played all of them off the
championship tees like we have just been
like like and we’ve been hustled by some
of the super best golfers we’ve just
like the courser we’ve played uh along
you know like
you’re having to hit really good drives
and and like
they’re not you know these places aren’t
you know we’re not talking about 7 500
yard monsters because they’re old
courses you know there’s six eight or
whatever they are but like you know but
you’ve got to keep hitting drugs you’ve
got to keep in Drive you’ve got to keep
hitting good iron shots
um and they’re long and long courses you
know they wear they wear you down
eventually and coming here to a short
yeah it was so much fun because like you
know I shot in the 60s lad Sam shot in
the 60s just unbelievable and you
know it’s like
it’s just so much fun there’s no
pressure let’s go out there and there’s
some loads of long holes there and we
haven’t talked about it the green fear
35 pounds I think 35 pounds you will not
get a better value for money in Surrey
full stop to be really clear this is not
a paid partnership podcast for Sunnydale
but we are doing it having just walked
off of course and had a great time I’ve
got to talk about um the 18th so
18. an outstanding finishing hole par
three uh on the card at 148. okay okay
I’m just gonna look at the card
it’s a super wide because there’s
obviously a path there’s lots of part
three so they have to use big Ting
grounds because otherwise you just chew
them dig it up it was super wide and we
were on the furthest bit away from the
marker post to say any information about
the hole so nothing so we hadn’t really
looked at the card all day we’re just
zapping flash you play to a green that’s
front to back and when we’d met like Tom
out in the putting green and had a nice
chat with him and we’re talking about a
junior program yesterday you know it was
all sort of steep and everything I was
like yes this is a like a really hard
green to hold so I’ve already kind of
mentally had myself a bit prepped around
this just pull the pull the zapper out
the bag and try and get a yardage on it
about 15 yards beyond the green you’ve
got that tentative
which is you know currently there are
six people sat around there enjoying a
lovely glass of wine a few pints of
Peroni and just having a lovely evening
I’ve pulled this yardage and it’s like
yeah okay 180. well I think it’s like
179 and I thought yeah do you know what
okay right I don’t want to jump on seven
if I hit smooth six and just take a bit
off it I think we’re in business got the
club out the bag and just thought maybe
worth just checking this because if I
pull the trigger on this and it’s I have
picked up something behind we’re in big
trouble like that would have been
as it turned out like I mean
as well it would have been she’d
actually Zapped the guy as Peroni and
yeah he was knowing the flag flag is
155. thank God that we dropped it down
to nine iron and got to the back of the
green so six would have been they’d have
been in Mortal danger
yeah so so that was that was extremely
cool very very good I mean how’s it feel
to having shot a sort of a 64 I mean
look it’s a six over par I’m gonna put
it out there and say par three is
typically putting much harder to par in
general because it’s the execution of
one long shot and two parts yeah you
can’t you can’t gain any distance the
greens are quick and they were
undulating so
you know part four was I was saying on
the way around the path forwards feel
like a bit of a raspike because at least
you can chew up a bit of yardage and you
can put a sandwich in your hand yeah
these some of these par threes
lots of sevens lots of fours try shape
um you know the greens are really small
you miss your brains you’ve usually got
Heather around them yeah my own place
notoriously awful anyway so like
fairly strong examination I would come
back here in a heartbeat if if I was on
a surrey trip and I think you know
and I wanted to have a bit of a chilled
out evening you know I still wanted
didn’t want to just get locked up in a
pub and get obliterated if you’ve hit a
two or three hour drive to get here on a
trip it’s the perfect way of breaking it
up like to sort of go yeah okay well
let’s just ease into it with that if you
if you’re feeling a bit tired after a
trip you’ll still have this in the
locker because it’s quick and it’s not
overly demanding yeah off the in terms
of the long game
and it’s just perfect if you want an
afternoon Loop and you’re not actually
in the market for another sort of
Championship test so I’ll put this out
there we we landed literally landed here
for 15 minutes past three about quarter
past three that’s what we got here
we have we checked him we had a chat
with uh the lady behind the bar we we
had a chat with Tom we played 18 holes
we’ve come in we’ve ordered drinks we’ve
done a podcast
and that was two and a half hours ago
that was two out of 45.
I mean you can be highly productive at
Sunningdale Heath it seems yeah very
very good very very good anything else
that’s worth talking about in terms of
solidar Heath I think I’ve been look I’m
going to put it out there and say I
would I can see serious event Vibes here
like with this 10 structure these these
holes and everything just imagine the
fun you could have out here in an
iron-only competition I’d be really Keen
to know
um from our listeners if there’s any
Demand on that because I just think
that’s so cool imagine this room where
it’s like yeah anything that’s got a
head cover on and that includes irons
um yeah and I would I’d be really Keen
to know that the interest of being this
because I mean this is what we’re
talking about just here sorry to
interrupt you I’m watching the 18th and
I’m watching Tom come in uh with the
Junior and his dad and they’re just
throwing balls around the 18 chipping up
you know dodging the 15th green they’re
now going to go and hit a few on to the
18th green it’s all just like it’s
exactly you should learn it from the
um short podcast I think people would
certainly get the sense of excitement
for this place so we’ve just come off
with um yes we’ve had nice evenings
where they’re you know we’ve had a great
few days but the excitement from playing
that is just uh palpable so I would urge
anyone who’s in the market for a bit of
fun you’ve said that he’s I think I
think our listeners by now I’ve got a
ringing endorsement I’m saying Dave
um until next time
thank you for listening adios adios
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