The Addington Golf Club – Friday 31st May

Limited Places Available

For the last two years, The Spring Meeting has been the jewel in the CJ-crown, held at some truly exceptional venues, and this years instalment promises to be no different. In 2022 Pippa Bonsall left the field in her wake as she put together a great final round at Royal St George’s with her partner Sam Clapham, and last year after a strong opening round at Moortown, Matthew Reid played lights-out golf down the stretch to win at Alwoodley.

A taster from last years event can be found here

 The Addington began in 1913, and is somewhat unique in that it has always been a proprietarily owned club, as well as being the only Abercromby & Colt design in existence. The syndicate share ownership in the early days meant architect J.F. Abercromby was the resident ‘benevolent dictator’ where he famously declared ‘I am the suggestion box‘. In 1964 the course fell into the hands of Moira Fabes, an eccentric owner whose reverence for the design ‘Aber’ left behind meant she neglected the site and let nature take care of it until in 2006 Ron Noades and more recently his son Ryan have come to be the custodians of the course which boasts dramatic elevation change, unrivalled views across London and bridges that would make Indiana Jones go weak at the knees.

 Under the guidance of Clayton, DeVries & Pont, Ryan is spearheading a renovation programme which – when complete – will restore the Addington firmly back amongst the very best courses in Great Britain & Ireland.

This year we’ll be playing the event in one day. Comms on the lead up the event will almost certainly include some evening activities afterwards, so accommodation options will be circulated nearer the time and we highly recommend planning to stay over in the evening.

Cost of the event is £200 and includes all golf, food, prizes, entertainment and anything else we have up our sleeve.

Please note that in the event this is oversubscribed a ballot will be held to determine places.