A new feature we’re excited to introduce! Our secret club manager, residing in a golf club somewhere in Great Britain, will be writing topical articles for us. These pieces will shed light on the challenges of managing a golf club and navigating the incessant qualms and quibbles from its membership!

Spoiler, you’ll never be able to guess who it is!


Diary of a Secret GM

‘Golf-First World Problems’

Golf isn’t just a game; it’s a global obsessive love affair that brings together people from all corners of life. Picture a colourful quilt woven with enthusiasts of all ages and backgrounds, united by one thing – their sheer passion for the game!

Working in the game can be one of the most rewarding jobs you can do. For someone that has grown up in the game, getting to come to work everyday being employed in a field you love, is a rare thing indeed.

There’s a but….sometimes golfers seem to leave all perspective at the entrance. The rich tapestry woven across generational and social classes also provides an environment from which constant murmurs of discord spring forth.

Decisions one would consider trivial in everyday life have to be treat with the most care, and oftentimes, backed with an ungodly amount of due diligence to ensure that robust justification can be presented to the challenge for why the coffee now costs 40p more or why the club has decided to change the hand soap!

It never ceases to amaze me how much disharmony can be created amongst various sections of a membership over issues which – outside of a golf club-  most people would not think twice about.

Volunteer-supported clubs are the backbone of the sport in the UK. These institutions have endured over time thanks to the selfless dedication of everyday individuals who volunteer their time to oversee and operate the complex entity that is a golf club. Nevertheless, constant disagreements such as prize distribution during the Midweek Stableford or seating color in the Lounge, often discourage skilled individuals from joining Golf Club Committee’s and contributing positively to their Club.

That’s where General Managers come into play. Many clubs are transitioning towards a model that involves downsizing committees and bringing in ‘GM’s’ to assist with continuity and long term planning. This helps in maintaining stability on a day-to-day basis amidst the ever-changing landscape of Golf as a business.

A GM may often play the role of the perceived villain, responsible for steering the “Club” through a sea of minor grievances to ensure progression and stability upon the ever changing tempest of public opinion.

From a General manager, one polite request… Golf is supposed to be a hobby, something you enjoy and delight in. Try to maintain a little perspective when driving through the gates. It is only a game, and one we all love, and one in which a constant balance has to be struck over who is going to be upset vs the benefits to your Club.

I can assure you, the folks running your club aren’t out to ruffle your feathers. When you catch wind of the latest club decisions, take a moment to ponder both perspectives. 

Remember, there are bigger fish to fry in the world right now than just shifting tee times by 30 minutes to make way for a party that brings in a week’s worth of revenue in just an hour!